Our Story

52 Card Trivia Company is the brain child of a group of friends, and family members that loved playing trivia games together. We would play one trivia game for awhile but it would always begin to feel redundant. Because the same questions would be asked again, and again, and players would begin to memorize the answers. This would lead us to have to go and purchase a whole new trivia game. When all we really wanted was just new categories of trivia questions.

That's why we created 52 Card Trivia. 52 Card Trivia is the first ever trivia game created that allows trivia players to purchase new categories when they are tired of playing the categories that came with the game. You just have to scan the QR code on the game board, and it will take you to 52cardtrivia.com. This is where you'll find the latest category decks to add to your trivia category library. At the same time we were tired of the same old categories. So, we created unique categories to go in the game itself and are committed to continually creating unique categories for purchase to add to your 52 Card Trivia Home Edition Game to keep trivia nights new, fresh, and fun like you want them to be!

We have many category decks coming soon. You'll find them listed on 52CardTrivia.com, and we have many more categories in the works. Follow us on social media to find out about the latest category deck launches, and share your category, and question ideas or email info@52cardtrivia.com, and share your category ideas, and your ideas just might be the next category or questions we launch to the 52 Card Trivia Community.

Finally, you can find out games on Amazon, Etsy, and of course on 52CardTrivia.com.We hope you enjoy playing our game, and you try playing multiple categories. Thanks for being apart of our Trivia Team!

52 Card Trivia - Trivia fans, on a mission to keep trivia fun!